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In the Record section, settings that affect the storage management of recordings can be made.
File count
Determines how many files a recording should use. If the given number is exceeded, the oldest file is deleted. This way, the memory usage on the hard disc can be limited.
File size
This setting defines the maximum size of a recording file. If the given file size is exceeded, CanEasy starts a new recording file.
Path where the record will be stored
By default, the recording is created in the %temp%\CanEasy directory.
Enter a path here if you want to record to another path.
Start recording automatically at simulation start
This setting can also be changed via the context menu of the record (via Autostart).
If CanEasy should not record bus data, this option can be disabled.
This can be useful if you want to use CanEasy only for stimulation and not for analysis.
Delete record automatically on CanEasy exit
When exiting the application, CanEasy asks whether the created recording (all files) should be deleted. If this option is set, the recording is deleted automatically when CanEasy closes or a workspace is unloaded.
Activate transmission control when replay stopped
If this option is active, the frames transmitted during replay are sent by the selected transmission control, after replay has stopped. If the option is inactive, the messages from the loaded recording are not sent any more after replay has stopped.
Use global timestamp functionality by default for new plot and trace panels
Plot and trace can use the same timeline. This option must first be activated in the toolbar of the windows.
If this option is active, this is automatically activated when creating new windows.
Record variable changes
By default CanEasy records all variable changes. This allows to analyze them like signals in the trace and plot window.
If you don't want to record variables you can deactivate this setting.
Use system time as timestamp
Starting the simulation the timestamps are starting from zero by default.
If this option is active, the system time will be used as timestamp.
In this case also the trace window will show the timestamp with system time format.
Export Identifier instead of name
Export unknown types as comments to ASC files