Signal Evaluation

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Signal Evaluation


The signal evaluation dialog is indirectly part of the transmission control.


Signal evaluations are kept very general and can be used by various transmission controls. Inside the dialog window “Signal evaluation”, it can be defined when a specific signal receives the “active” status. The transmission control uses this status to adjust the sending behavior to the message.


The following settings are available:


1. All transmission modes


Always active: The signal always has the active status, independent of signal value.



2. Transmission mode “If active”


“Transmission control V1” uses this option for transmission mode 1c.


a) Active, if (Signal value AND param1) = param 2

The signal is active if the current signal value and parameter 1 connected by a logical AND result in parameter 2.

This way, a mask can be created for the signal value.


b) Active, if param1<= signal value <= param 2

The signal is active, if the current signal value is between parameter 1 and parameter 2.



3. Transmission mode “On Change”


“Transmission control V1” uses this option for transmission modes 2b and 2c.


a) Send if new value = old value

The signal is active if the current value matches the last set value.

If the signal value changes constantly, the signal remains inactive.


b) Send if new value < old value

The signal is active if the current value is smaller than the previous value.

If the signal value is unchanged or greater, the signal remains inactive.


c) Send if new value > old value

The signal is active if the current value is greater than the previous value.

If the signal value is unchanged or smaller, the signal remains inactive.


d) Send if (new value AND param 1) = (old value AND param2)

The signal is active, if the current value masked with parameter 1 has the same value as the previous value masked with parameter 2.



4. Inverse test


This options inverts the selected condition that activates a signal.

If for example “always active” is selected, the signal is always inactive in “inverse test” mode.