Data filter

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Data filter


There is a combo box on the right side of the tool bar where a string filter can be created.


If there is any syntax error the background color gets changed to red.


The filter works based on column names, operators and values.

Possible operators are "=", "==", "!=", "<>", "<", ">", "<=", ">=" and "?=".


The "=" and "?=" operators are find in operators.

For example with the filter string "Data = 'ff'" you see any message where "ff" is in the data string.

The operator "==" is an equal operator, "!=" and "<>" are not equal operators.

The operators "<", ">", "<=" and ">=" are for smaller and larger comparison.


For the value to be compared three distinct types are supported:



If the value is surrounded by ' ' or " " or starts with a letter it is used as a string.

All the oparators use string comparison.



If the value starts with a number and doesn't have a '.' or exponent it is interpreted as an integer.

All operators except the find in operator use integer comparison.

Hexadecimal values can be written as "0xff" and octal values as "045".


Floating point

If the value starts with a number and contains a '.' or exponent it is used as a floating point number and uses floating point comparison.


To combine filtering of different columns different Boolean operators can be used:

The operators "and", "&" and "&&" are for Boolean AND.

The operators "or", "|" and "||" are for Boolean OR.

The operators "not", "!" and "~" are for Boolean NOT.


You can use any type of brackets like "()", "{}" and "[]".

Without brackets the following operator order is used: 'comparison', 'not', 'and' and 'or'.