Environment Variables

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Environment Variables


Environment variables are system-wide global variables that can be of any data type. They are used for data exchange between modules. A callback function notifies value changes of environment variables.

All data types except the value table (VALUETABLE) can also be used as arrays. The value table is special: Internally it uses the integer data type but represents the value as a string. Environment variables can be changed to any data type at runtime.



Environment variables are always part of a namespace. Namespaces can be nested to any depth. An environment variable itself cannot contain any namespace.



Access (read/write)

Environment variables can be accessed either via the CAND-API (e.g. by user plug-ins) or via VBA. Access to environment variables is thread-safe and may thus take place simultaneously from different threads.



Import of environment variables

The environment variables contained in a DBC file are added below the channel.