Event Example: Change of Signal Value

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Event Example: Change of Signal Value


The following tutorial shows how a change in signal value is identified. It is based on the data base created in the preceding tutorial.


Create a new VBA project with New. Save the project by the name “Change signal value”.

Subsequently, create a class module in the VBA editor.


Enter the following code:

Public WithEvents Sig as Signal


Public Sub Assign (oSig as Signal)

    Set Sig = oSig

    Sig.DataChangeEvents = True

End Sub


Sig.DataChangeEvents = True signals to the COM interface that the event shall be activated.


Next, select Sig in the left selection list and OnChange on the right to create the body of the event handling routine.



Add the following code in the provided routine Sig_OnChanged:


Private Sub Sig_OnChanged

Debug.Print "changed signal value"

End Sub




Now, enter the following code in the standard module:

Public Pedal as Class1


Sub setsignalvalue (oSig as signal, fValue as double)

OSig.ValuePhys = fValue

End Sub


Sub Testrun ()

 Dim ECU as ControlUnit

 Set Pedal = New Class1


 Set ECU = Database.buses ("CAN1"). ControlUnits ("ECU1")

 Pedal.Assign ECU. messages ("MSG1").Signals ("SIG1")


 StartSimulation 'start simulation

 Set signal value Pedal.Sig, 30 'accelerate

 CanEasyApplication.Sleep 7000 'wait for 7 seconds

 Set signal value Pedal.Sig, 60 'accelerate still more

 StopSimulation 'end simulation

End Sub



It is important to create an instance of the class Class1 with the key word New.


Subsequently press Ctrl-G to show the direct area and execute the function Testrun. The instructions in the event handling routine are executed and displayed in the direct area window (the message “Changed signal value” appears twice).