Inherits IDispatch.
Interface configure transmission events which are called when a message is received or transmitted.
interface ITransmissionEvent : IDispatch
Active([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL*);
Active([in] VARIANT_BOOL boNewVal);
Filter([out, retval] BSTR*);
Filter([in] BSTR pFilter);
Id([out, retval] BSTR*);
Id([in] BSTR sStrId);
Object([out, retval] IDatabaseItem**);
Object([in] IDatabaseItem *pData);
Asynchron([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL*);
Asynchron([in] VARIANT_BOOL boNewVal);
Definition at line 2069 of file cand_tlb.idl.
◆ Active
VARIANT_BOOL CanEasy::ITransmissionEvent::Active |
getset |
Must be set to True to activate events.
◆ Asynchron
VARIANT_BOOL CanEasy::ITransmissionEvent::Asynchron |
getset |
Specifies whether the event is called synchronous or asynchronous.
By default transmission events are queued and called synchronous. Setting Asynchron to false is not recommended.
◆ DirectionFilter
By default the event is called independet whether CanEasy transmits a message (tx) or whether it is received (rx). Use the DirectionFilter if you want to get just rx or tx events.
◆ Filter
BSTR CanEasy::ITransmissionEvent::Filter |
getset |
Allows setting a string filter which can reduce the number of events.
Example: c(can1) id(1-a) data(ab cd). TransmissionEvents can be registered for any database item like database, bus, control-unit, message, signals. Using channel filter c() makes only sense when register on database level. Using id filter id() makes only sense when register on level above the message.
◆ Id
BSTR CanEasy::ITransmissionEvent::Id |
getset |
Deprecated: Readable name to show conflict if position is not unique.
◆ Object
Reference to database object where the transmission event is registered for.
◆ Position
Deprecated: The position when the event has to be called. This is not used any longer. The user can use the level (e.g. message, signal) to set calling order.